Safaris Unpacked
We are currently living in the Information age, where all it takes to book a holiday in any part of the world, is literally the click of a button.
Safaris are no different.
You have access to thousands of safaris suiting your every budget, accommodation type and level of comfort.
What type of safari goer are you?
Do you like walking?
Eating your meals by the campfire, or in an opulent dining room?
Does the idea of soaking in a bath in the middle of the bush, make you uncomfortable or excited?
Would you awaken early to watch the sunrise, or would you prefer an indulgent breakfast in bed?
Would you give up your creature comforts in order to fly camp?
Are you the type of traveler who likes to cram as many destinations as possible into a safari, or would you prefer longer stays in just one or two destinations?
Do you want a fast-paced safari or a slow-paced safari?
Are you passionate about sustainability and green travel, or it really doesn’t affect you?
Are you particular about the level of guiding you will experience on safari?
Do you travel with your heavy photography equipment, or are you happy to snap a few pictures on your smartphone?
Safaris are expensive, and for most people, a once in a lifetime trip.
Talk to us for your best fit.